Traefik Dashboard on its own URL
How to make the dashboard of Traefik publicly reachable as a URL.
I've been playing around with Traefik recently on my new VPS server as a reverse proxy.
It has a very neat dashboard which can be enabled , mostly to see which frontends and backends are enabled, but viewing some stats and a list of recent HTTP errors as well.
Most tutorials will explain to you how to enable it, but I would like to have it secured through Basic Authentication and accessible as any other normal URL I expose like my frontends.

Here below I will show you how to expose the dashboard as a publicly accessible URL, protected by Basic Auth and using Let's Encrypt to attach a valid SSL certificate to it.
address = ":80"
entryPoint = "https"
address = ":443"
address = ""
dashboard = true
recentErrors = 20
email = "< your email address>"
storage = "< location of where acme.json should be>"
entryPoint = "https"
onHostRule = true
onDemand = false
entryPoint = "http"
## Backends
url = ""
path = "/"
interval = "10s"
scheme = "http"
# Frontends
entryPoints = ["http", "https"]
backend = "traefik"
passHostHeader = true
rule = "Host:<the url you want to have the dashboard exposed on>"
users = [
"< User and respective htpasswd digest >",
And there you have it. Be sure to have an existing DNS entry for your URL, otherwise Let's Encrypt will not issue a certificate, and install and use htpasswd to generate the user:digest combination to give access to the desired user to the dashboard.