Water meter in Home-Assistant
How to monitor water usage with Home-Assistant in Belgium.
Update 15/04/24:
The folks at SmartGateways.nl have official instructions on how to configure the device and integrate it in HomeAssistant which I initially didn't find.
MQTT Setup: https://haprofs.com/setting-up-mqtt-mosquitto-broker-home-assistant/
Home-Assistant configuration: https://haprofs.com/water-meter-dashboard-home-assistant/ (you will need to request a password to gain access to the configuration files, proving that you are a customer).
The instructions below in the blogpost will stay for posterity, or if you just want to do your own thing and take inspiration.
Similar to my previous project for measuring my power usage at home in Belgium (https://blog.carroarmato0.be/2024/01/18/saj-solar-inverter-and-home-assistant/) I wanted to measure the water consumption.
Different water meters are in use in Belgium, and while the country is slowly progressing toward digitization, I still have an analog one.
Specifically, an Elster Kent V100 "grenade".

While a solution that uses OCR might be the first thing to pop into mind, fortunately, some clever people at https://smartgateways.nl/ offer an out-of-the-box product that uses a pulse reed to measure the flow of water and publishes that on an MQTT bus wirelessly, or, through a REST Api (https://smartgateways.nl/product/slimme-watermeter-gateway/).
While it's technically true that it works in Home-Assistant (and some other home automation systems), it does need some extra manual steps to get it integrated.

In this blog post, I will use the MQTT integration. For this purpose, I've setup a simple MQTT broker. You can follow some examples online on how to run it: https://hub.docker.com/_/eclipse-mosquitto
Note that due to the Smart Gateways implementation, interaction with the MQTT broker needs to use an account:
listener 1883
listener 8080
protocol websockets
persistence true
persistence_location /mosquitto/data/
allow_anonymous false
password_file /mosquitto/config/passwords
connection_messages true
use_username_as_clientid true
You can test if your MQTT broker is successfully receiving the messages from the meter by using a client tool such as MQTT-Explorer.

Example of the REST API output:

In Home-Assistant, you need to add the MQTT Integration and configure it so that it can be accessed:

Unfortunately, the water meter does not make use (yet) of Home-Assistant's autodiscovery topic, which means we need to describe the topics and values manually.
Follow you can find the configuration for adding all the entities from the topics, grouped into a device.
I've added an extra entity called "Current Value m³" to have the sensor recognized by the Energy Dashboard.
- name: Current Value m³
state_topic: "watermeter/reading/current_value"
unique_id: watermeter_current_value_m3
device_class: water
state_class: total_increasing
value_template: "{{ states('sensor.slimme_watermeter_gateway_current_value') | float * 0.001 | round(3) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "m³"
identifiers: "SG-WGB"
manufacturer: "SmartGateways.nl"
name: "Slimme Watermeter Gateway"
model: "Versie B"
- name: Current Value
state_topic: "watermeter/reading/current_value"
unique_id: watermeter_current_value
device_class: water
state_class: total_increasing
unit_of_measurement: "L"
identifiers: "SG-WGB"
manufacturer: "SmartGateways.nl"
name: "Slimme Watermeter Gateway"
model: "Versie B"
- name: Pulse Factor
state_topic: "watermeter/reading/pulse_factor"
unique_id: watermeter_pulse_factor
identifiers: "SG-WGB"
manufacturer: "SmartGateways.nl"
name: "Slimme Watermeter Gateway"
model: "Versie B"
- name: Pulse Count
state_topic: "watermeter/reading/pulse_count"
unique_id: watermeter_pulse_count
identifiers: "SG-WGB"
manufacturer: "SmartGateways.nl"
name: "Slimme Watermeter Gateway"
model: "Versie B"
- name: Water used last minute
state_topic: "watermeter/reading/water_used_last_minute"
unique_id: watermeter_last_used
device_class: water
unit_of_measurement: "L"
identifiers: "SG-WGB"
manufacturer: "SmartGateways.nl"
name: "Slimme Watermeter Gateway"
model: "Versie B"
- name: Firmware Version
state_topic: "watermeter/smart_gateways/running_firmware_version"
unique_id: watermeter_current_firmware
identifiers: "SG-WGB"
manufacturer: "SmartGateways.nl"
name: "Slimme Watermeter Gateway"
model: "Versie B"
- name: Available Firmware Version
state_topic: "watermeter/smart_gateways/available_firmware_version"
unique_id: watermeter_available_firmware_version
identifiers: "SG-WGB"
manufacturer: "SmartGateways.nl"
name: "Slimme Watermeter Gateway"
model: "Versie B"
- name: MAC Address
state_topic: "watermeter/smart_gateways/mac_address"
unique_id: watermeter_mac_address
identifiers: "SG-WGB"
manufacturer: "SmartGateways.nl"
name: "Slimme Watermeter Gateway"
model: "Versie B"
- name: IP Address
state_topic: "watermeter/smart_gateways/ip_address"
unique_id: watermeter_ip_address
identifiers: "SG-WGB"
manufacturer: "SmartGateways.nl"
name: "Slimme Watermeter Gateway"
model: "Versie B"
- name: Wifi RSSI
state_topic: "watermeter/smart_gateways/wifi_rssi"
unique_id: watermeter_wifi_rssi
device_class: "signal_strength"
unit_of_measurement: "dBm"
identifiers: "SG-WGB"
manufacturer: "SmartGateways.nl"
name: "Slimme Watermeter Gateway"
model: "Versie B"
- name: Startup Time
state_topic: "watermeter/smart_gateways/startup_time"
unique_id: watermeter_startup_time
identifiers: "SG-WGB"
manufacturer: "SmartGateways.nl"
name: "Slimme Watermeter Gateway"
model: "Versie B"
- name: Leak detected
state_topic: "watermeter/reading/leak_detect"
device_class: "problem"
payload_on: "true"
payload_off: "false"
unique_id: watermeter_leak_detection
identifiers: "SG-WGB"
manufacturer: "SmartGateways.nl"
name: "Slimme Watermeter Gateway"
model: "Versie B"
- name: Update Available
state_topic: "watermeter/smart_gateways/update_available"
unique_id: watermeter_update_available
device_class: "update"
payload_on: "true"
payload_off: "false"
identifiers: "SG-WGB"
manufacturer: "SmartGateways.nl"
name: "Slimme Watermeter Gateway"
model: "Versie B"
Once Home-Assistant has been reloaded, the device and entities should appear:

We can now it as a water source in the Energy Dashboard.